London Meeting….

Returned at the weekend from a very informative first meeting held in London by ‘The Journal of Aesthetic Nurses’.

The conference collided with the publishing of the news that, from 23/07/2012 insurance companies that specialise in providing insurance to nurses and doctors offering prescribable aesthetic treatments such as Botox will not cover practitioners who are not themselves prescribers, their insurance will be invalid.

The practice of remote prescribing, where prescriptions are verbally given either over the phone or via the internet to a non prescribing practitioner to then treat the patient with Botox…..that practitioners insurance will be void.

Simply put…..To ensure your practitioner is insured and therefore the treatment they are providing to you is covered…….ask if they hold the correct qualification, ask to see their appropriate prescribing certificates……

We are very happy at Karen Lockett clinics to provide proof of qualification for any of the treatments we offer….just ask


JAN inaugural meeting this Wednesday 18/07


The inaugural meeting of the Journal of Aesthetic Nursing, is being held in London this Wednesday!. I will be there as I am on the editorial panel of the journal, and I am looking forward to what looks like being a fantastic and informative day!

An exciting agenda is planned, along with the opportunity to view and discuss new treatments, products and concepts!!

I will be keeping all my clients up to date with what fantastic new and possibly improved treatments and products the aesthetic world has to offer that we will be bringing in clinic to you!!!…..

Be the first to know what is new…. check out our blog site regularly….or sign up to regular updates by clicking ‘follow’ (bottom right of this page)!!



The Botox prescribing controversy in a ‘nutshell’

For those who are not completely sure of what the problem is with some nurses who deliver Botox treatments, here in a ‘nutshell’ is the explanation;

Botox is a prescription only medication (POM), and always has been, therefore only a medically trained practitioner who is a prescriber, ie a doctor, a dentist, or a nurse independent prescriber can, after a face to face consultation with the patient, then prescribe the POM…Botox.

There have been, to this point in time, doctors who have ‘prescribed’ botox for a patient that they have not ‘seen’. They may have only spoken with the patient over the phone or possibly over the Internet.

The patient then receives the treatment, on the ‘say so’ of a prescriber who has not seen them face to face, from a practitioner who is not qualified to prescribe a POM.

Many doctors have made a lot of money from offering this service to non prescribing nurses…..these  nurses are working outside of their professional code of conduct and run the ‘great’ risk of being struck

As patients it is always in your best interest to check the qualifications of of your aesthetic practitioner.

Karen Lockett RGN NIP

BACN – Response to the BBC news item on 9/07/12 relating to remote prescribing in aesthetics

Following the program aired by the BBC last night regarding remote prescribing of Botox, this is the document issued today by the BACN in response to this issue, on behalf of Cosmetic Nurses:-

British Association of Cosmetic Nurses Response to the BBC news item on 9/07/12 relating to remote prescribing in aesthetics, and in particular, botulinum toxin (Botox) – Press Release – for immediate release 10th July 2012

The British Association of Cosmetic Nurses (BACN) has been representing nurses in aesthetic practice for the last four years. The role of the BACN is to inform, advise and educate our members, and require them to practise within the law and to the highest professional standards. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) role is to safeguard the health and wellbeing of the public and ensure the highest standards of practice, all nurses working in the United Kingdom should be registered with the NMC.

Aesthetic practice is unusual in that the majority of multi-disciplinary training in aesthetics is carried out by highly specialised, experienced autonomous nurse educators.

Working closely with the Journal of Aesthetic Nursing the aesthetic nursing community continues to drive education and practice standards through educational conferences, workshops, seminars and peer reviewed academic articles, driving collaboration with allied health care professionals.

The BACN has been concerned for some time that some doctors offer reassurance to nurses that remote prescribing is accepted practice and meets NMC standards, this is not the case, as in NMC New Advice for Botox – Nurses and Midwives, published on 1st April 2011 and the NMC Standards for Medicines Management published on 9th October 2007. We welcome the fact that the practice has been highlighted and we look forward to clarity from the General Medical Council (GMC).

Nurses who have undertaken the Nurse Independent Prescribing (NIP) Course and satisfied the examiners at the NMC, and maintain both their general nursing qualification and NIP qualifications are legally able to prescribe and administer botulinum toxins and all other prescribable items within their area of competence, and have equal prescribing rights to all UK doctors. The NIP qualification has a pass mark of eighty percent for pharmacology and one hundred percent for mathematics.

Non-prescribing qualified nurses working in partnership with doctors or nurse prescribers are also working within the correct legal framework, when their patients are consulted by the prescriber who then delegates an order to administer to the nurse. This consultation process involves a physical face to face full consultation and examination by the prescriber.